Jumat, 26 Juni 2009


Keylogger is make in 2 types of the Software and Hardware, both of them have different characteristics with the same goal. Example Keylogger software is shaped Invisible Keylogger, KGB Keylogger, Stealth Keylogger and. This software can be installed on the victim computer to automatically and this software will hide himself so as not known by the victim. Victims will not be able to see this program is running, because all the software Keylogger offers Hide mode (Hide mode) that will not display the icon, the name of the program on the task manager and more. Many also used the Trojan hacker who works as a Keylogger like Back Orifice, Netbus, Sub Seven, etc..

The lack of software Keylogger is keberadaanya can be detected by the programs anti-spyware and antivirus like Norton, Spycop, Whoa € ™ s Watching me, etc.. While the form of easy-to-use Keylogger that is not detected and anti-spyware and anti virus is a hardware Keylogger. Hardware Keylogger can also work on any operating system and even the operating system's login password can also be recorded
Basically, any type, anywhere and with any Operating System does not affect the hardware Keylogger. All typing is done first through akan Keylogger hardware that has been inserted before flowed to the computer itself. Because of the form of hardware, then install Keylogger for this type of required physical access to the computer trying to install. If you want to install a computer that is located in Africa, you must be clear to Africa to install the hardware Keylogger is. Inillah reason why many hardware Keylogger is not known in general, and of course this can be an advantage for the hackers, even in Indonesia have not found a shop that sells this product Keylogger hardware.

Some sites, among others, the Keylogger www.keyghost.com, www.amecisco.com, and www.keyloggersdirect.com. Hardware Keylogger usually installed between the original keyboard cable connector and the mouse port on the computer. Because, in general, at this time using the keyboard PS2 and USB connectors, hardware Keylogger is also available in 2 types of the PS2 and USB. Type Keylogger is a kind of relative easily detected by looking at the physical computer keyboard cable is being used. However, sometimes the computer-public computers such as Microsoft to install the locker so that the computer does not enable us to mengeceknya and this makes the play at the internet cafe to be very vulnerable to tapping. With the way this is all the encryption and strong as any serumit become useless and can be easily stolen. According to my hardware Keylogger can not be working on a laptop, a laptop keyboard does not use the PS2 and USB connection alias directly. That I do.

How Overcoming Keylogger

Keylogger offers 2 forms of the Hardware and Software with karakterisitik create a very different technique to detect and prevent also different. First opportunity to hear to avoid Keylogger Software can use the Virtual Keyboard that can be accessed through the Accessories menu â € "Accessibility â €" On-Screen Keyboard. Use the Virtual Keyboard is not useful for the Keylogger Software for Virtual Keyboard still send the text to be displayed on the program and this text will be recorded by Keylogger Software, and Keylogger can also capture the display text is.

However, the virtual keyboard is very powerful and useful to prevent hardware Keylogger, because the text does not diketikkan akan through the keyboard and the original cable and not through a keyboard port that has been Hardware Keylogger. Or to avoid hardware Keylogger, you can use the keyboard that take you from your own home ... ? and to prevent the Software Keylogger, you can use anti-spyware programs or antivirus which always ter-update.

Other steps that can be done is to find the hidden directory, because usually the Keylogger to make a hidden directory that is not known by the user, but this step can also help us to know of the existence of a program that is not desired. To do this, run the command "dir / ah / s" in the Command Prompt will show all files and directories that are hidden.

Here are five ways you can do to detect and prevent spyware:
  1. Installing a filter on the host spyware. Many spyware scanner available in the market. If you find a solution that is not too expensive, try using Microsoft beta tool, Windows Spywares, Spybot, and AdAware. Many commercial anti-virus vendors such as McAfee, spyware filter, also has to be combined in a corporate anti-virus solutions.
  2. Installing an application content filtering gateware with spyware. If the level of host before, so now we see spyware solution that operates on the network level. One of them is Spyware Interceptero Blue coat. If your budget is adequate, consider using this solution.
  3. Create an egress filter on your network. There is no one to create a filter on the network egress. They can help in the spyware that tries to block the "call home".
  4. Monitor Intrusion-detection system (IDS) and keep your signature is still the latest. if you can not block the spyware from a house call, at least you can mendeteksinya with IDS, and use the report to identify the infected system.
  5. Prevent user mengistalasi software download. Most are caused by the installation of spyware that users install the software that is downloaded from the internet. If possible awasi activity.

Spyware authorities and similar data is one of the most important yand challenges faced by information security professionals. It is time to ensure your organization is safe. By following the steps above will help you in achieving that goal.