MS-DOS, short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, is an operating system that is widely used by the computer IBM-PC or compatible with it. Microsoft to make MS-DOS as a mainstream operating system, before finally stopping at the MS-DOS support slowly when they make an operating system-based graphical interface (also known as GUI) for the mainstream market, which is called as Microsoft Windows.
MS-DOS was first released in 1981, and over time, Microsoft also launched a new version of MS-DOS. No less than eight times until Microsoft launched new versions of MS-DOS in 1981 to support the Microsoft MS-DOS in 2000. MS-DOS is one of the key in the success of Microsoft to produce software, from a small company at the programming language to become an established software company that seems over the world.
MS-DOS was created by a computer manufacturer, named Seattle Computer Products (SCP) which are headed by Tim Patterson - who later recruited by Microsoft to develop DOS - in 1980 as a software operating system with the name of Q-DOS (stands for Quick and Dirty Operating System), which changed its name to 86-DOS, because the Q-DOS is designed to run on computers with the Intel 8086 processor. Microsoft also licenses dengn purchase price of 50,000 U.S. dollars SCP, and change its name to MS-DOS. Later, when IBM launched its personal computer would called the IBM PC, Microsoft also sells licenses MS-DOS to IBM.
IBM and Microsoft released the next version of DOS-version, where a version of IBM dibundel directly with the computer called the IBM PC with the "IBM PC-DOS" (short for International Business Machine Personal Computer Disk Operating System). Initially, IBM only uses what is reasonable use of the MS-DOS released by Microsoft, such as its programs or utilities that disertakannya. Therefore, the IBM version is released more slowly than the version of MS-DOS. However, MS-DOS version 4.0 is a version of MS-DOS is the first really the same as IBM PC-DOS, because Microsoft is being berkonsenstrasi to develop an operating system of DOS, called OS / 2.
Microsoft, when the license DOS to IBM, signed a license agreement that contains one of poinnya that Microsoft could license MS-DOS to the company other than IBM, and the companies are changing the name MS-DOS became the name they use (example: TandyDOS, Compaq DOS , and others). Most versions are of course the same as the version that was developed by Microsoft with MS-DOS it, but began to pull a Microsoft license agreement so that other companies should be using the MS-DOS, not a name that has been customized previously. IBM is only given freedom to continue using the IBM PC-DOS, not MS-DOS.
MS-DOS was developed with quite quickly, with significant features that are taken from some other operating systems such as Microsoft Xenix - a variant of UNIX operating system developed by Microsoft - and the property of DR-DOS Digital Research, and the products other utilities such as Norton Utilities from Symantec Corporation (adopted products such as Microsoft Disk Defragmenter), PC-Tools from Central Points (adopted products such as Microsoft Anti-Virus), or expanded memory manager Emm (expanded Memory Manager) QEMM from Quarterdeck (product adopted as EMM386), compressed disk (or disk compression) DriveSpace from Stac Electronics, and many other products that was adopted.
When the Intel Corporation introduced a new mikroprosesor called with 80,286 Intel, Microsoft and IBM started the project of a new operating system called DOS with OS / 2, which essentially is a version of MS-DOS is running in protected mode (protected mode). But, leaving the project Microsoft OS / 2 is to focus on the development of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT. Digital Research to create a graphical interface called the GEM, but is less popular on the IBM PC computer or compatible. GEM market appeared to get on the computer ATARI ST machine, but eventually disalip again by the Microsoft Windows version 3.0.
MS-DOS version
MS-DOS version 1.xx
This is where the early version of MS-DOS was first released by Microsoft. The contents, of course, very primitive and only contains the basic framework are: does not have to manage the display graphics files, no support network. The point, the first DOS version of this net frill. The first version of DOS supports only IBM PC Model 5150 and all supporting hardware, such as floppy disks only support single-side floppy disk with a size of 5 ½ inches with only 160K.
Lapse of approximately one year, in which the public interest will be IBM PC products, Microsoft is also making improvements to msdos, and muncullah DOS version 1.1. In fact, this is caused by the IBM products launched a new floppy disk drive for floppy disks with double-side size 5 ½ inches with a 320K. Use double-side for the floppy disk is very influential, because storage media can store two times more than the floppy diskette single-side. Do not laugh to see capacity floppy disks that are supported by MS-DOS 1.1. You will not get the capacity of tens of megabytes or gigabytes. Even the hard disk is still only rarely found on the microcomputer, and III that only Apple has.
After that, Microsoft appeared to sell MS-DOS to IBM competitors to make such a clone IBM PC 5150. Microsoft gave him a version 1:25. Designed in such a way because with the philosophy of open-architecture, unlike Apple and the Commodore of the IBM PC clone can be made. And because that is the IBM PC and IBM PC clone that is compatible with IBM PC very successful in the market. This is the success of three companies: IBM, Intel, and of course Microsoft. However, the market a while IBM was digerogoti by Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell Computer Corporation to create the IBM PC clone.
MS-DOS version 2.xx
In early 1983, IBM launched its IBM PC XT (Extended Technology), as the improvement of the IBM PC 5150 version. IBM PC XT equipped with a 10M hard disk, the interface input / output diversiform serial (RS-232 or better known as the COM interface), with a capacity of 128K of RAM, a floppy disk drive double-side 360K and three expansion slots. Of course, the use of some new hardware such as hard disks, floppy disks and drives with 360K (40K is higher than in the double-side version of the IBM PC 5150) requires an operating system, Microsoft and IBM does not disappoint. With their sprightly and quick release MS-DOS version 2.0. Finally dibundel IBM PC XT with IBM PC-DOS 2.0.
MS-DOS version 2.0 has many improvements from the MS-DOS 1.1 which is for the computer IBM PC 5150. These include support for the use of the directory structure hierarkis (fork) like a tree that has a root (root) and branches (branch). In addition, the MS-DOS 2.0 also supports a variety of functions, which was adopted from UNIX, as well as the use of I / O redirection (>,>>, <, <<) and the print spooler. Recommended print spooler is a feature that can save the file to be printed in a memory buffer so that the file will not be printed directly printed, but it saved first. The aim is that the printing process can take place more quickly, and the user does not have to direpotkan to print the entire file if kertasnya out, but just need a new paper and pressing resume button to continue. While I / O redirection function to perform the function input and the output from the command line. In addition to these two features are adopted from the UNIX, DOS version 2.0 also provides flexibility so that you can install the drivers for DOS, with mengintegrasikannya in the configuration file CONFIG.SYS. In fact, IBM PC XT computer is very successful: success even reached Japan. Kanji language support for Japanese, Microsoft decided to launch the MS-DOS version of 2:05. In the same year, IBM launched its IBM PC Jr.. (read: PC Junior). Unfortunately, unlike the sister-sister, IBM PC Jr. failed in the market. When launched, IBM PC Jr. the IBM PC-DOS 2.1. MS-DOS version 3.xx
IBM launched its IBM PC-AT (Advanced Technology) in the summer of 1984. IBM PC AT computer using mikroprosesor Intel 80286 (16-bit) speed 6MHz, with 256K of RAM memory, a floppy drive 1.2m 5 ¼ inches, 20m a hard disk, video card and color (standard CGA). Of course, Microsoft as a business partner who is steadily sprightly support the launch of IBM PC-AT with also launched the latest version, MS-DOS 3.0. MS-DOS 3.0 supports all the capabilities of the IBM PC-AT, except for multi-tasking is provided by the Intel 80286 processor that is capable of running on the protected mode of course.
DOS 3.0 is the version that can support the functions of the network, even though limited to the network with the concept of working group (workgroup) and connected as a client on a server. Users can use network technology created by IBM, Token Ring in the DOS operating system. DOS 3.0 also supports the floppy disk 3 ½-inch low-density capacity of 720K, while the support DOS 3.3 floppy disk 3 ½-inch high-density capacity of 1.44M. In the DOS version 3 also supports a partition on the hard disk that has a capacity of up to 32M, 12M higher than the DOS version 2.0.
MS-DOS version 4.xx
In 1988, the operating system with graphical display start mushroom. Microsoft also launched version 1.0 on Windows 1985 and Windows version 2.0 in 1989. In the DOS version 4.0, the Microsoft program to create a DOS shell with the name of Shell, which has a display property, such as DOS Executive Windows version 1.0. At that time, there is a shell program that is also a popular run in the top of the DOS operating system, with the name of Norton Commander (NC) made by Peter Norton. By using the shell, the user can more easily organize and archive files, and run the program, in one screen only. In addition, because the mouse can simplify the operation of computers, DOS Shell can also support them.
Version 4.0 is the version that most of the changes. Version is the next versions are improvements, and additional utilities.
MS-DOS version 5.xx
IBM already does not make a chop-chop mikrokomputer new in the industry, because the market previously dominated IBM has eaten little by little by its competitors, such as Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell that also produce mikrokomputer that is compatible with IBM computers, as using the same design, and also the same mikroprosesor made by Intel Corporation. Here is a successful Intel Corporation, which is used as mikroprosesor produced far more, due to demand more. Because the computer uses artificial mikroprosesor Intel Corporation, then found out that Microsoft is successful both with its DOS. Many analysts argued that the case is caused by the failure of IBM when they sell the IBM PC Jr.., And architecture with the IBM P/S2 Micro-Channel Architecture (MCA). MCA bus used by the IBM P/S2 not use the concept of open-architecture as the ISA bus also made by IBM but with open-architecture. In addition, the expansion cards that use the MCA bus prices have relatively more expensive than ISA bus is being used at that time and became a standard, so that slow penyerapannya in the market mikrokomputer.
IBM failed to extend the age of the IBM PC, but Microsoft will continue to develop with the launch DOS MS-DOS version 5.0. Version 5.0 is released in 1991, and has many features that are far better, as well as device driver that can be installed on the memory area in the top 640K (HMA), using the parameters DEVICEHIGH the configuration file and CONFIG.SYS file LOADHIGH on AUTOEXEC. BAT multiply so that the possibility to run a program that requires conventional memory (640K initial memory of the computer) is greater.
For the utility, Microsoft added a lot of utility in the DOS version is 5.0. These include ASCII text file editor, called MS-DOS Editor (EDIT.COM) and the QuickBasic programming language (QBASIC.EXE). This utility is intended to replace the editor-oriented "line per line," EDLIN.EXE in the DOS version 4.0 and the previous one.
In addition to ASCII text file editor, Microsoft also made to create a macro tool to speed up working with computers. The program is called the macro DOSKEY.COM. When loaded, DOSKEY can create a macro and execute the macro. In addition, by using DOSKEY can make it easier pengetikan the same with the previous problem so that "tired typing" command the same to be repeated much more simple and easy. To do so, users can use the arrow keys up and down. Features such as this is owned by Command Prompt on Windows 2000/XP.
Other utilities that are also interesting UNFORMAT.EXE and UNDELETE.EXE. Both are very useful utility to restore files that are deleted and the drive is supplied preformatted. UNDELETE.EXE similar program as well as the Recycle Bin in Windows 95 (and onwards), they just seem a little more complicated than the Recycle Bin that runs on Windows. In addition UNDELETE.EXE that runs in the command line, the DOS version 5.0 is also MWUNDEL.EXE there is a utility that runs on Windows version 3.0, so that the Recycle Bin feature can also be found in Windows 3.0.
MS-DOS version 6.xx
MS-DOS version 6.0 is released in 1993. This version has many additional utilities, such as Antivirus (MSAV.EXE), Virus Protection (VSAFE.COM) adopted from Central Point PC Tools. In addition, there are utilities to do defragmentasi hard disk (DEFRAG.EXE) adopted from the Symantec Norton Utilities, utilities to check hard disk error placement of files and damage (SCANDISK.EXE) CHKDSK.EXE as a replacement, and repair of utility the previous.
In the MS-DOS version 6.0 also include a utility that can create a placement file to be more efficient with the name DoubleSpace. However, a company that has a patent on it to be so angry to the Microsoft table green. Microsoft and even less utility DoubleSpace also revoked from DOS 6:20. Year-end 1994, Microsoft revised the DOS 6:20 similar to the utility but it does not violate the patents of others with the name DriveSpace. MS-DOS is MS-DOS version of 6:22.
MS-DOS version 7.xx
MS-DOS version 7.0 is released only a few months before Microsoft released Windows 95, a version of Windows that is completely independent of the MS-DOS. In fact, Windows 95 is not really 100% free from MS-DOS, only some of the functionality previously handled by the MS-DOS kernel, now handled by Windows. MSDOS.SYS file in the previous versions are binary files (programs), it is only plain text file, which contains the process of booting a computer course, and the various line contains "xxx" with the functions that are not clear.
Not a lot of improvement going on DOS 7:00 this because some functions have been moved to Windows 95. Windows 95 is a version of Windows with Win-32 API and a redesigned desktop. Windows 95 has a control center from the Start Menu button on the bottom left corner of your screen. When the new outstanding 2 weeks, Microsoft seems to get hit very huge, because Windows 95 has been sold to more than 7 million copies.
When Microsoft launched Windows 98, Microsoft also revised the DOS version of 7:10 to be with the support for the FAT32 file system is much more efficient than FAT16 file system. The functionality of the MS-DOS 7:10 trimmed even more. The result, at the end of 1999, Microsoft launched a new version of Windows, code name with the Georgia (Windows Millennium Edition) is truly without DOS!
In fact, the operating system that is completely without DOS ever made by Microsoft before Windows NT, Windows NT only intended for the minicomputer, network server, Mainframe, and workstations. That its use makes it very difficult complex adopted by the beginners in the field of computers.
MS-DOS was first released in 1981, and over time, Microsoft also launched a new version of MS-DOS. No less than eight times until Microsoft launched new versions of MS-DOS in 1981 to support the Microsoft MS-DOS in 2000. MS-DOS is one of the key in the success of Microsoft to produce software, from a small company at the programming language to become an established software company that seems over the world.
MS-DOS was created by a computer manufacturer, named Seattle Computer Products (SCP) which are headed by Tim Patterson - who later recruited by Microsoft to develop DOS - in 1980 as a software operating system with the name of Q-DOS (stands for Quick and Dirty Operating System), which changed its name to 86-DOS, because the Q-DOS is designed to run on computers with the Intel 8086 processor. Microsoft also licenses dengn purchase price of 50,000 U.S. dollars SCP, and change its name to MS-DOS. Later, when IBM launched its personal computer would called the IBM PC, Microsoft also sells licenses MS-DOS to IBM.
IBM and Microsoft released the next version of DOS-version, where a version of IBM dibundel directly with the computer called the IBM PC with the "IBM PC-DOS" (short for International Business Machine Personal Computer Disk Operating System). Initially, IBM only uses what is reasonable use of the MS-DOS released by Microsoft, such as its programs or utilities that disertakannya. Therefore, the IBM version is released more slowly than the version of MS-DOS. However, MS-DOS version 4.0 is a version of MS-DOS is the first really the same as IBM PC-DOS, because Microsoft is being berkonsenstrasi to develop an operating system of DOS, called OS / 2.
Microsoft, when the license DOS to IBM, signed a license agreement that contains one of poinnya that Microsoft could license MS-DOS to the company other than IBM, and the companies are changing the name MS-DOS became the name they use (example: TandyDOS, Compaq DOS , and others). Most versions are of course the same as the version that was developed by Microsoft with MS-DOS it, but began to pull a Microsoft license agreement so that other companies should be using the MS-DOS, not a name that has been customized previously. IBM is only given freedom to continue using the IBM PC-DOS, not MS-DOS.
MS-DOS was developed with quite quickly, with significant features that are taken from some other operating systems such as Microsoft Xenix - a variant of UNIX operating system developed by Microsoft - and the property of DR-DOS Digital Research, and the products other utilities such as Norton Utilities from Symantec Corporation (adopted products such as Microsoft Disk Defragmenter), PC-Tools from Central Points (adopted products such as Microsoft Anti-Virus), or expanded memory manager Emm (expanded Memory Manager) QEMM from Quarterdeck (product adopted as EMM386), compressed disk (or disk compression) DriveSpace from Stac Electronics, and many other products that was adopted.
When the Intel Corporation introduced a new mikroprosesor called with 80,286 Intel, Microsoft and IBM started the project of a new operating system called DOS with OS / 2, which essentially is a version of MS-DOS is running in protected mode (protected mode). But, leaving the project Microsoft OS / 2 is to focus on the development of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT. Digital Research to create a graphical interface called the GEM, but is less popular on the IBM PC computer or compatible. GEM market appeared to get on the computer ATARI ST machine, but eventually disalip again by the Microsoft Windows version 3.0.
MS-DOS version
MS-DOS version 1.xx
This is where the early version of MS-DOS was first released by Microsoft. The contents, of course, very primitive and only contains the basic framework are: does not have to manage the display graphics files, no support network. The point, the first DOS version of this net frill. The first version of DOS supports only IBM PC Model 5150 and all supporting hardware, such as floppy disks only support single-side floppy disk with a size of 5 ½ inches with only 160K.
Lapse of approximately one year, in which the public interest will be IBM PC products, Microsoft is also making improvements to msdos, and muncullah DOS version 1.1. In fact, this is caused by the IBM products launched a new floppy disk drive for floppy disks with double-side size 5 ½ inches with a 320K. Use double-side for the floppy disk is very influential, because storage media can store two times more than the floppy diskette single-side. Do not laugh to see capacity floppy disks that are supported by MS-DOS 1.1. You will not get the capacity of tens of megabytes or gigabytes. Even the hard disk is still only rarely found on the microcomputer, and III that only Apple has.
After that, Microsoft appeared to sell MS-DOS to IBM competitors to make such a clone IBM PC 5150. Microsoft gave him a version 1:25. Designed in such a way because with the philosophy of open-architecture, unlike Apple and the Commodore of the IBM PC clone can be made. And because that is the IBM PC and IBM PC clone that is compatible with IBM PC very successful in the market. This is the success of three companies: IBM, Intel, and of course Microsoft. However, the market a while IBM was digerogoti by Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell Computer Corporation to create the IBM PC clone.
MS-DOS version 2.xx
In early 1983, IBM launched its IBM PC XT (Extended Technology), as the improvement of the IBM PC 5150 version. IBM PC XT equipped with a 10M hard disk, the interface input / output diversiform serial (RS-232 or better known as the COM interface), with a capacity of 128K of RAM, a floppy disk drive double-side 360K and three expansion slots. Of course, the use of some new hardware such as hard disks, floppy disks and drives with 360K (40K is higher than in the double-side version of the IBM PC 5150) requires an operating system, Microsoft and IBM does not disappoint. With their sprightly and quick release MS-DOS version 2.0. Finally dibundel IBM PC XT with IBM PC-DOS 2.0.
MS-DOS version 2.0 has many improvements from the MS-DOS 1.1 which is for the computer IBM PC 5150. These include support for the use of the directory structure hierarkis (fork) like a tree that has a root (root) and branches (branch). In addition, the MS-DOS 2.0 also supports a variety of functions, which was adopted from UNIX, as well as the use of I / O redirection (>,>>, <, <<) and the print spooler. Recommended print spooler is a feature that can save the file to be printed in a memory buffer so that the file will not be printed directly printed, but it saved first. The aim is that the printing process can take place more quickly, and the user does not have to direpotkan to print the entire file if kertasnya out, but just need a new paper and pressing resume button to continue. While I / O redirection function to perform the function input and the output from the command line. In addition to these two features are adopted from the UNIX, DOS version 2.0 also provides flexibility so that you can install the drivers for DOS, with mengintegrasikannya in the configuration file CONFIG.SYS. In fact, IBM PC XT computer is very successful: success even reached Japan. Kanji language support for Japanese, Microsoft decided to launch the MS-DOS version of 2:05. In the same year, IBM launched its IBM PC Jr.. (read: PC Junior). Unfortunately, unlike the sister-sister, IBM PC Jr. failed in the market. When launched, IBM PC Jr. the IBM PC-DOS 2.1. MS-DOS version 3.xx
IBM launched its IBM PC-AT (Advanced Technology) in the summer of 1984. IBM PC AT computer using mikroprosesor Intel 80286 (16-bit) speed 6MHz, with 256K of RAM memory, a floppy drive 1.2m 5 ¼ inches, 20m a hard disk, video card and color (standard CGA). Of course, Microsoft as a business partner who is steadily sprightly support the launch of IBM PC-AT with also launched the latest version, MS-DOS 3.0. MS-DOS 3.0 supports all the capabilities of the IBM PC-AT, except for multi-tasking is provided by the Intel 80286 processor that is capable of running on the protected mode of course.
DOS 3.0 is the version that can support the functions of the network, even though limited to the network with the concept of working group (workgroup) and connected as a client on a server. Users can use network technology created by IBM, Token Ring in the DOS operating system. DOS 3.0 also supports the floppy disk 3 ½-inch low-density capacity of 720K, while the support DOS 3.3 floppy disk 3 ½-inch high-density capacity of 1.44M. In the DOS version 3 also supports a partition on the hard disk that has a capacity of up to 32M, 12M higher than the DOS version 2.0.
MS-DOS version 4.xx
In 1988, the operating system with graphical display start mushroom. Microsoft also launched version 1.0 on Windows 1985 and Windows version 2.0 in 1989. In the DOS version 4.0, the Microsoft program to create a DOS shell with the name of Shell, which has a display property, such as DOS Executive Windows version 1.0. At that time, there is a shell program that is also a popular run in the top of the DOS operating system, with the name of Norton Commander (NC) made by Peter Norton. By using the shell, the user can more easily organize and archive files, and run the program, in one screen only. In addition, because the mouse can simplify the operation of computers, DOS Shell can also support them.
Version 4.0 is the version that most of the changes. Version is the next versions are improvements, and additional utilities.
MS-DOS version 5.xx
IBM already does not make a chop-chop mikrokomputer new in the industry, because the market previously dominated IBM has eaten little by little by its competitors, such as Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell that also produce mikrokomputer that is compatible with IBM computers, as using the same design, and also the same mikroprosesor made by Intel Corporation. Here is a successful Intel Corporation, which is used as mikroprosesor produced far more, due to demand more. Because the computer uses artificial mikroprosesor Intel Corporation, then found out that Microsoft is successful both with its DOS. Many analysts argued that the case is caused by the failure of IBM when they sell the IBM PC Jr.., And architecture with the IBM P/S2 Micro-Channel Architecture (MCA). MCA bus used by the IBM P/S2 not use the concept of open-architecture as the ISA bus also made by IBM but with open-architecture. In addition, the expansion cards that use the MCA bus prices have relatively more expensive than ISA bus is being used at that time and became a standard, so that slow penyerapannya in the market mikrokomputer.
IBM failed to extend the age of the IBM PC, but Microsoft will continue to develop with the launch DOS MS-DOS version 5.0. Version 5.0 is released in 1991, and has many features that are far better, as well as device driver that can be installed on the memory area in the top 640K (HMA), using the parameters DEVICEHIGH the configuration file and CONFIG.SYS file LOADHIGH on AUTOEXEC. BAT multiply so that the possibility to run a program that requires conventional memory (640K initial memory of the computer) is greater.
For the utility, Microsoft added a lot of utility in the DOS version is 5.0. These include ASCII text file editor, called MS-DOS Editor (EDIT.COM) and the QuickBasic programming language (QBASIC.EXE). This utility is intended to replace the editor-oriented "line per line," EDLIN.EXE in the DOS version 4.0 and the previous one.
In addition to ASCII text file editor, Microsoft also made to create a macro tool to speed up working with computers. The program is called the macro DOSKEY.COM. When loaded, DOSKEY can create a macro and execute the macro. In addition, by using DOSKEY can make it easier pengetikan the same with the previous problem so that "tired typing" command the same to be repeated much more simple and easy. To do so, users can use the arrow keys up and down. Features such as this is owned by Command Prompt on Windows 2000/XP.
Other utilities that are also interesting UNFORMAT.EXE and UNDELETE.EXE. Both are very useful utility to restore files that are deleted and the drive is supplied preformatted. UNDELETE.EXE similar program as well as the Recycle Bin in Windows 95 (and onwards), they just seem a little more complicated than the Recycle Bin that runs on Windows. In addition UNDELETE.EXE that runs in the command line, the DOS version 5.0 is also MWUNDEL.EXE there is a utility that runs on Windows version 3.0, so that the Recycle Bin feature can also be found in Windows 3.0.
MS-DOS version 6.xx
MS-DOS version 6.0 is released in 1993. This version has many additional utilities, such as Antivirus (MSAV.EXE), Virus Protection (VSAFE.COM) adopted from Central Point PC Tools. In addition, there are utilities to do defragmentasi hard disk (DEFRAG.EXE) adopted from the Symantec Norton Utilities, utilities to check hard disk error placement of files and damage (SCANDISK.EXE) CHKDSK.EXE as a replacement, and repair of utility the previous.
In the MS-DOS version 6.0 also include a utility that can create a placement file to be more efficient with the name DoubleSpace. However, a company that has a patent on it to be so angry to the Microsoft table green. Microsoft and even less utility DoubleSpace also revoked from DOS 6:20. Year-end 1994, Microsoft revised the DOS 6:20 similar to the utility but it does not violate the patents of others with the name DriveSpace. MS-DOS is MS-DOS version of 6:22.
MS-DOS version 7.xx
MS-DOS version 7.0 is released only a few months before Microsoft released Windows 95, a version of Windows that is completely independent of the MS-DOS. In fact, Windows 95 is not really 100% free from MS-DOS, only some of the functionality previously handled by the MS-DOS kernel, now handled by Windows. MSDOS.SYS file in the previous versions are binary files (programs), it is only plain text file, which contains the process of booting a computer course, and the various line contains "xxx" with the functions that are not clear.
Not a lot of improvement going on DOS 7:00 this because some functions have been moved to Windows 95. Windows 95 is a version of Windows with Win-32 API and a redesigned desktop. Windows 95 has a control center from the Start Menu button on the bottom left corner of your screen. When the new outstanding 2 weeks, Microsoft seems to get hit very huge, because Windows 95 has been sold to more than 7 million copies.
When Microsoft launched Windows 98, Microsoft also revised the DOS version of 7:10 to be with the support for the FAT32 file system is much more efficient than FAT16 file system. The functionality of the MS-DOS 7:10 trimmed even more. The result, at the end of 1999, Microsoft launched a new version of Windows, code name with the Georgia (Windows Millennium Edition) is truly without DOS!
In fact, the operating system that is completely without DOS ever made by Microsoft before Windows NT, Windows NT only intended for the minicomputer, network server, Mainframe, and workstations. That its use makes it very difficult complex adopted by the beginners in the field of computers.
Summary version of MS-DOS
Version | Launched | Program/New Capabilities |
1.1 | May 1982 | Support double side floppy disk 320K. |
1.25 | May 1982 | Release for the first IBM PC clone. |
2.0 | March 1983 | TREE.COM MKDIR/MD CHDIR/CD RMDIR/RD MORE.COM LESS.COM SORT.COM ASSIGN.COM COLOR.COM GRAPHICS.COM GRAFTABL.COM PARK.COM PRINT.COM BACKUP.EXE RESTORE.EXE Support for 360K floppy disk. Support for the directory hierarkis. some functions of the UNIX operating system: pipe, I / O redirection, print spooling. |
2.05 | April 1983 | Support letter kanji (Japan). |
2.10 | October 1983 | |
2.11 | March 1984 | |
3.00 | August 1984 | FDISK.EXE FC.EXE APEND.COM RECOVER.COM NLSFUNC.EXE Created Partition disc up to 32MB. Support file system FAT12. |
3.10 | November 1984 | SUBST.EXE SELECT.COM FIND.EXE SHARE.EXE REPLACE.EXE Support the local network (LAN) with the MS-NET components. |
3.20 | January 1986 | XCOPY.EXE Support network topology IBM Token Ring Support floppy disk 3.5-inch 720K |
3.30 | April 1987 | FASTOPEN.EXE FASTHELP.EXE Support floppy disk 1.44M 3.5 inci |
4.00 | June 1988 | MOUSE.COM HIMEM.SYS SMARTDRV.EXE SETVER.EXE MIRROR.COM Support for Mouse Support screen graphics (better than the CGA). |
4.01 | November 1988 | RAMDRIVE.SYS |
5.0 | June 1991 | EDIT.COM QBASIC.EXE DOSSHELL.EXE DOSKEY.EXE UNDELETE.EXE UNFORMAT.EXE MWUNDEL.EXE EXPAND.EXE Definited Upper Memory Block (UMB) that can be used by device drivers and programs that are terminate-and-Stay-Resident (tsr). |
6.0 | March 1993 | EMM386.EXE DBLSPACE.EXE VSAFE.COM MSAV.EXE DEFRAG.EXE SCANDISK.EXE Many support utilities to diagnose problems, such as Antivirus, Defragmenter, and SCANDISK (replacement CHKDSK). |
6.20 | November 1993 | Version 6.0 reduced DBLSPACE.EXE, because of patent issues with Stac Technology as patent owners. |
6.22 | June 1994 | DRVSPACE.EXE as DBLSPACE.EXE with the same functionality. It is the last DOS version of a stand-alone. |
7.0 | April 1995 | LOCK. Is the integrated DOS in Windows 95. |
7.10 | August 1997 | Support for the FAT32 file system directly on the kernel. Integrated in Windows 95 OSR 2.0 and Windows 98. |