All of the databases we cover in this volume have had serious security flaws at some point. Oracle has published 69 security alerts on its "critical patch updates and security alerts" page—though some of these alerts relate to a large number of vulnerabilities, with patch 68 alone accounting for somewhere between 50 and 100 individual bugs. Depending on which repository you search, Microsoft SQL Server and its associated components have been subject to something like 36 serious security issues—though again, some of these patches relate to multiple bugs. According to the ICAT metabase, DB2 has had around 20 published security issues—although the authors of this book have recently worked with IBM to fix a further 13 issues. MySQL has had around 25 issues; Sybase ASE is something of a dark horse with a mere 2 published vulnerabilities. PostgreSQL has had about a dozen. Informix has had about half a dozen, depending on whose count you use.
The problem is that comparing these figures is almost entirely pointless. Different databases receive different levels of scrutiny from security researchers. To date, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle have probably received the most, which accounts for the large number of issues documented for each of those databases. Some databases have been around for many years, and others are relatively recent. Different databases have different kinds of flaws; some databases are not vulnerable to whole classes of problems that might plague others. Even defining "database" is problematic. Oracle bundles an entire application environment with its database server, with many samples and pre-built applications. Should these applications be considered a part of the database? Is Microsoft's MSDE a different database than SQL Server? They are certainly used in different ways and have a number of differing components, but they were both subject to the UDP Resolution Service bug that was the basis for the "Slammer" worm.
Even if we were able to determine some weighted metric that accounted for age, stability, scrutiny, scope, and severity of published vulnerabilities, we would still be considering only "patchable" issues, rather than the inherent security features provided by the database. Is it fair to directly compare the comprehensive audit capabilities of Oracle with the rather more limited capabilities of MySQL, for instance? Should a database that supports securable views be considered "more secure" than a database that doesn't implement that abstraction? By default, PostgreSQL is possibly the most security-aware database available—but you can't connect to it over the network unless you explicitly enable that functionality. Should we take default configurations into account? The list of criteria is almost endless, and drawing any firm conclusions from it is extremely dangerous.
Ultimately, the more you know about a system, the better you will be able to secure it—up to a limit imposed by the features of that system. It isn't true to say, however, that the system with the most features is the most secure because the more functionality a system has, the more target surface there is for an attacker to abuse. The point of this book is to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the various database systems we're discussing, not—most emphatically not—to determine which is the "most secure."
In the end, the most secure database is the one that you know the most about.