Selasa, 11 September 2012

Configuration User Manager Hotspot In MikroTik

Mikrotik User Manager is a web-shaped management system, which is integrated with mikrotik which can be used for user-user meminage both internal mikrotik mikrotik itself or from outside the base system mikrotik itself, or often in short UserManager also with this Userman most much in use to manage users as follows:
User Hotspot billing system
PPP or PPPoE Client
DHCP Server
Wereles users, and much more

In this paper we will try a little review about the User Manager for HotSpot Billing. Previous package hotspot and dhcp server must already be set / enabled and configured prior to configuration on Mikrotik RouterOS you can read it here. The assumption in this paper RouterOS consists of two (2) interface ethernat. Ether 1 (one) as the interface is connected to the internet while ethernat 2 (two) as the client interface is connected to the hotspot.

* In Ethernat 1 (one) here I give ip (assuming gamtway of the modem
* And on ethernat 2 (two) with ip

The steps are as follows:

1. Set DHCP on ethernat 2 (two), can be found in my article "Setup Mikrotik Hotspot For Gatway"
2. Turn Radius Server on frofil hotspot and check the HTTP login tap CHAP.

3. Set the Radius server to handle the hotspot usermanager go to System >> Radius >> Add, check on the service = hotspot, then enter the address =, and the Secret (important free later together with the settings for the router userman) in this article I fill 123456

4. For the record the first time hotspot user authentication will read the database / ip hotspot user. Remove the data in this directory (if any) to authenticate to the radius.

5. Installation usermanager;
Open system packages from Winbox, if no package is installed in the user manager package list, you can install it first. Because the user-manager is a separate package from RouterOS mikrotik.Anda can download packages mikrotik in or here select one package. npk by adjusting mikrotik version currently in use (eg in use RouterOS V.4.3 on x86 then npk package in the download also V.4.3 on x86.npk) then exstrat files via a PC windows to retrieve the user-manager package file only.
Shares open Winbox Files list, copy the package user-manager.npk from windows folder and paste the file list in Winbox. Once the upload is complete, please reboot your mikrotik menu by clicking System -> Reboot so that the package we just upload directly installed by mikrotik.
To ensure the user manager already installed what has not happened in our proxy, click the menu System -> Packages on your Winbox window. Make sure the user-manager package is already on your RouterOS Package List. (See picture packages list)
To configure user manager which we have installed, we can by way of proxy IP calling our browser Firefox or Google Chrome. Suppose the proxy IP or article or
Manager on the user login page, enter the admin user and password blank, as shown below.